Below is a list of specific ways you can help orphans and adoptive families in your area. We hope you are inspired as you read through the suggestions offered by other volunteers. God uses all acts of generosity and kindness to make a difference!
1. Seek out orphans. It’s easy to forget about the needs of orphans around the world as we go through our daily lives. Make a point to seek out news related to orphan needs and adoption, stay current on changing policies in the U.S., and keep looking for updates from Project Hope. Above all, pray for God’s guidance concerning your role in orphan ministry.
2. Virtually adopt a child. Project Hope focuses on specific children that are waiting for a forever family. Contact us to obtain a picture of a specific child and commit to praying for them. Find out everything you can about the country they come from, the challenges associated with adopting a child that age, and what that child’s future may look like if they are not adopted. Then advocate like crazy. Blog about them, talk about them, and pray for them daily. You never know – someone you know may be the forever family God has in mind for that child! Check out details here.
3. Adopt an adoptive family. Adoptive families need help. Often they are overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, and in need of support. They are all too often afraid to ask for that help, so more of us need to step in and offer it without being asked! Pray for that family, offer to babysit for free, make them a meal, or take them out to lunch. Encourage them regularly – they need it!
4. Get educated. It is amazing how many people have considered adoption but have no idea where to begin or believe many of the myths about adoption that scare people away. Educate yourself about adoption as much as possible so that you can be an encouragement to a family considering adoption. The more you know, the more effective and credible you will be as a spokesperson for orphans.
5. Make a financial sacrifice. You can sign up to give monthly, contribute to a matching adoption grant through our 143 Campaign, or sign up for a mission trip. One very special little girl recently chose to give up presents at her birthday party and instead asked her friends to contribute to a matching grant for a child waiting to be adopted. You can read her story here. It is an inspiring idea!
6. Get your church involved. Advocate for your church to become a church partner with Project Hope and become a liaison between your church and PH. Share prayer requests about specific waiting children, promote mission trip opportunities, and stay updated with info about how your church can do even more.
7. Host a fund-raiser for Project Hope. Every dollar makes a difference and you can use your own unique gifts to create a meaningful fund-raiser.
8. Allow your love for orphans to impact your everyday life. Orphans and adoptive families come into contact with people every day that will impact their lives in either a positive or negative way. It may seem simple, but it is extremely meaningful to families when they experience compassion from teachers, therapists, doctors, and coaches. No matter where you work, you can be a beacon of love, compassion, and patience to children. Avoid asking personal questions. Give a little extra grace to children that you observe having a meltdown in public. Be the person that is always positive about orphans and adoptions when it comes up in conversation.
9. Bring people to the Annual Benefit Auction. The auction is a fun way to introduce others to the ministry of Project Hope. We are always in need of more people to host a table of guests. If you have connections to businesses, you can also help us by asking them to make a donation of goods or services that can be auctioned off.
10. Pray. Pray daily for orphans around the world, their caregivers, adoptive families, and the organizations that strive to make a difference.